Stranded: When Roadside Assistance Can Come To Your Rescue

Even if you maintain your car regularly, hazards on the roadways or an unexpected flat tire or breakdown can cause all kind of issues that might leave you stranded on the side of the road. This can be especially dangerous during the harsh Canadian winters when temperatures plunge to dangerous levels. If you own a car and don't have a roadside assistance plan or access to services that can come and help you, odds are that you'll be stuck relying on getting help from family or friends. Read More 

The Steps To Take When Your Heavy Vehicle Won’t Move

Driving an overweight vehicle is already a difficult task.  So if your heavy vehicle breaks down, it can be frustrating. You might even feel angry. However, despite your emotions, you should calmly do a certain number of steps to ensure your vehicle is taken care of and you are safe. Here is what to do: Look Around When your vehicle first breaks down, be sure to look around and see if you see anybody. Read More 

Four Things To Do To Make Sure Your Car Stays Safe In A Tow

No one wants to be stranded with a car or van or truck that doesn't start. It's even worse if you're away from home in the middle of traffic. If you have to call a tow truck to get your vehicle out of the road and to a garage when your mechanic can see what's wrong with it, there are several things you can do to help make sure that your vehicle won't be damaged during the tow. Read More